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National Security

Tsaregorodtsev, A.V., Ermoshkin, G.N. The model for the evaluation of information security risks in the information system based upon the cloud computing.

Abstract: Cloud services, which are currently regarded as one of the most attractive modern infor mation technologies, are capable of both optimizing the information security management processes, and complicating control over critical data and counter-measures for security incidents in an organization. Solution to the problem of timely and goodquality outsourcing and information security risks analysis for the cloud architecture systems shall allow to solve numerous problems related to protection from threats of use of information and telecommunication technology for illegal purposes. The wide spread and application of cloud computing requires the need for adaptation and development of the existing risk evaluation models for information systems. The approach presented in this article may be used for evaluation of risks in information systems, functioning on the basis of cloud computing technology and for the evaluation of efficiency of current security measures. At the same time, risk evaluation includes the stages of analysis and evaluation, and the risk analysis includes identification and quality evaluation of risk. Evaluation guarantees are provided based upon defining the risk context (choice of risk criteria and defining the scope of analysis). The quantity evaluation of risks is understood as a modeling process, including development and analysis of alternative risk scenarios and the formation of risk functions, defining the possibility for the risk situation taking place.


i n for mat ion secu r it y, cloud computing, public cloud, private cloud, hybrid cloud, risk evaluation, risk model, influence matrix, loss matrix, dependency matrix.

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