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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Gong Bing Influence of modernization of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on the legislation of the People’s Republic of China on the titles to land

Abstract: Currently the Russian society and the new stage of economic development require improvement and optimization of the Russian legislation, including the laws on the titles to land, which is construed anew in order to become one of the key elements of the modern Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The perfect idea of land law in Russia is for the civil legislation to have an exclusive status of legal regulator in the sphere of titles to land and to give the titles to land a quality of real law, providing persons and legal entities with a legal possibility to use the land. The tendencies of development of land law in Russia may serve as an example for the development of land law in the People’s Republic of China, and they include the following: restoration of a right of private property of land, change of multi-regulating legislation, its introduction into the structure of real law for unified regulation, providing the same legal status to state land and collectively owned land, strict limitations on confiscation of land, formation and development of a varied, convenient and sustainable land usufruct model.


justice, Russia, China, the Civil Code, modernization, title to land, real law, Chinese legislation, use of land, unified legal status.

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