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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Yang Zhen Structure of the modern inheritance law of China

Abstract: Amendments into the inheritance law of China, which are currently being introduced, are due to the need to change the native concept of inheritance and to develop legal science on inheritance. The amendments are introduced based upon the improvement of the existing civil law provisions for the sake of achieving harmony and integration of inheritance procedure, they correspond to the expectations of the people in the issues of inheritance. The structure of the inheritance procedure is based upon five elements: general procedure; will, inheritance by law, use of inherited property. Additional rules are also introduced. The legislative draft regarding inheritance improves the legal regulation of will, inheritance by law and use of inherited property, therefore guaranteeing rights and finding compromise in the interests of various people in the inheritance issues. The article concerns the causes for a fundamental change in the norms of inheritance law, the author establishes the goal – to harmonize the legal mechanism for inheritance, as well as the elements of legal regulation of will, inheritance by law, and some other topical issues regarding inheritance law in China.


Kitai, nasledstvennoe pravo, nasledstvennoe pravo i grazhdanskoe pravo, sovershenstvovanie, struktura sistemy nasledstvennogo prava, poryadok nasledovaniya, nasledovanie po zakonu, nasledovanie po zaveshchaniyu, rasporyazhenie nasledstvennym imushchestvom.

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