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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Wen Íeng-guo Formation and development of the science of administrative law of the People’s Republic of China

Abstract: The administrative goals are similar in all states, however, the administrative legal sciences differ. Development of the science of administrative law in the People’s Republic of China started in 1980s after the policy of reforms and openness was proclaimed. Its formation and development were influenced by the Roman-German and Anglo-Saxon legal families, as well as by the Soviet administrative law science. All of the above had its influence upon the Chinese legal science. Generally, the development of science of administrative law in the People’s Republic of China is always followed by the development of administrative legislation and norm-making. The process of mutual development allows the science of administrative law of the People’s Republic of China to lead the way for legislation and justice, and to provide criticism of legal practice. Currently the Chinese administrative legal branch is already formed, while it still has many weak points. In the future it shall evolve based upon the achievements of global and Chinese science. In addition to these aspects, the article contains analysis of stages of development of administrative law science in China. The author singles out three periods (the so-called “gap” period, the period of formation and development, and the reform), showing the characteristic features of problems subject to administrative legal scientific studies, such as the issues of priority of administrative legal protection in comparison with the structure of state administrative apparatus, importance of administrative procedures in comparison with material law, etc. Additionally, the author shows the degree of studying principles of administrative law.


jurisprudence, leading the way and criticism, role, administrative legal protection, functions of science, characteristic features, development, stages, science of administrative law, branch of administrative law, China.

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