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Kasatkina, A.A. Foreign capital and the problems of using labor resources of agricultural economy in the Western African states.

Abstract: The character of the production relations in the agricultural sphere in the Western African states, involving foreign and national private capital, as well as the state sector, is such, that they mostly function in the sphere of sales (buying and selling, supply and credit organizations). That is why the author pays special attention to the analysis of the secondary production relations, which in his opinion lessen the demand for the agricultural workforce. The author analyzes special directions of the agricultural evolutions due to the involvement of the foreign capital (green revolution), as well as the ways in which agricultural settlements (farmer settlements, multi-purpose co-operative societies), large mechanized farms, goods turnover co-operatives lower the amount of work needed in the agricultural sector. The author considers that the regulation of the activities of transnational corporations in the modern conditions is implemented by the supranational international political institutions, while the influence of the sovereign states upon the social and economic processes in the society is lessening. The author states that the long-term foreign economic state policy should become a crucial element of the national sustenance development strategy. The author also states that today the economic exchange cannot be brought apart from the sector distribution of production capabilities, structure of consumer system and the priority to the production of material goods, and it also is closely related to irrational use of human and natural resources. That is why in the opinion of the author while the agricultural economies of the Western African states remain at the early stage of capitalism development (turnover capitalism) the trade exchange between the industrial states and African states shall be a defining factor in the existence of unemployment and underemployment of the labor resources in the sphere of agriculture.


foreign capital, the United Nations O rga n i z at ion, t he I nt e r n at ion al L ab or Organization, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, direct investments, transnational corporations, employable population, underemployment, green revolution, Western African states.

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