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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Shurygina, I. A. Psychological and Pedagogical Aspects of Academic Activity as a Part of Integrated Individuality of Primary School Students

Abstract: The author of the article offers a theoretical analysis of mechanisms of academic activity performed by primary school students. The author analyzes different approaches to the terms “activity” and “active attitude”, defines an important role of the leading activity in the process of formation of integrated individuality and its place in the process of personality development of a primary school student. The role of activity in formation of integrated individuality is presented as a measure of interaction between a subject and a surrounding world as well as a form of self-expression and independent existence of personality due to which a person can become an integrated, independent and developing subject. The author of the article also describes the structure of activity in academic activity that includes: activity potential, regulatory element expressing the relation between deliberate self-regulation (based on one’s will) and indeliberate (based on one’s emotions) self-regulation, dynamic element (pace, intensity and energy) and results of one’s activity. The author also describes the leading styles of mental activities at primary school including meta-target oriented, target oriented and intellectual (disadaptive) styles. The author defines the system-forming, harmonizing and compensating functions of the academic activity style in the process of formation of integrated personality. The author also describes the important influence of the teaching environment on mental activity at primary school age.


activity, active attitude, mental activity, integral individuality, style of activity, structure of activity, factors of activity, subjective activity, potential activity, active learning.

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