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The union of criminalists and criminologists
S.P. Scherba (2013). Problems of Normative Defi nition of the Essence and Contents of Rights and Freedoms
of Human and Citizen in the Criminal Procedure of Russia. The union of criminalists and criminologists, 2, 150–153.
S.P. Scherba Problems of Normative Defi nition of the Essence and Contents of Rights and Freedoms of Human and Citizen in the Criminal Procedure of RussiaAbstract: unfortunaly, criminal procedural legislation of Russia, admitting application of different measures of compulsion and limiting right and freedoms of human, are still don’t include a fundamental norm, which should provide: 1) foundation, causes and limits of freedom and rights of human and citizen limitation in the criminal procedure; 2) the list of cases, preventing limitation of rights and freedoms of human and citizen in the criminal procedure; 3) proscription of wide understanding of foundations (criteria) for the application of limitation of rights and freedoms of human and citizen; 4) responsibility of offi cials and judges for inadequate decision to limit rights and freedoms of human and citizen in the criminal procedure; 5) proscription for limiting rights and freedoms of the suspects or accused in order to investigate a crime and gather evidence on the criminal case. Keywords: rights and freedoms, criminal procedure, limiting rights and freedoms
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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here . References
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