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The union of criminalists and criminologists

V.N. Orlov Contents of Servicing Criminal Penalty: Notion and Elements

Abstract: questions, connectedwiththeservicingofcriminalpenaltyshouldbemoreeffectivelystudiedbytheanalysisofthecontentsofthepenaltyservicing. Itisnecessarytopointout, thatthetheoryofcontentsofservicingcriminalpenaltywasstudiednotonlyintheworksbytherepresentativesoftheRussianJuridicalschool, butalsointheworksbymodernjurists. Thecontentsofservicingcriminalpenaltyformsfourgroupsoffeaturesorelements: 1) object, 2) objectiveside; 3) subject, 4) subjectiveside. The contents of servicing criminal penalty need not only additional legislative regulations, but also a further detailed studying.


penalty contents, criminal penalty, elements of the contents of servicing criminal penalty, servicing the penalty, object of penalty servicing, subject of penalty servicing,

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1. 1. Esipov, V. V. Ocherk' russkago ugolovnago prava. Chast'
2. ob shchaya. Prestuplenie i prestupniki. Nakazanie i nakazuemye /
3. V. V. Esi pov. — Varshava : tipografiya Varshavskago uchebnago okruga,
4. 1894.