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The union of criminalists and criminologists

A.S. Podshibyakin Legal Bases of Criminalist Investigation

Abstract: the author proposes the following system of normative operative acts, making the legal foundation of criminalist investigation: 1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation; 2) International Treaties, universally recognized principles and norms of the international law; 3) Decisions by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation: 4) Federal Codes (the Criminal Code of RF, Criminal Procedural Code of RF, etc), Federal Laws; 5) Normative acts of the Ministries and Departments; 6) Decrees by the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The legal basis of criminalist investigation as a system contributes to its development and prevention of law violations when solving problems of criminalist maintenance of detection and investigation of crimes.


criminalist investigation, legal system, normative legal acts

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