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The union of criminalists and criminologists

G.Y. Lesnikov Criminal Politics as a Strategy and Tactics of Criminality Counteraction

Abstract: the authoranalyses the following questions: 1) theoretical questions of criminal politics, including the problems of its formation; 2) realization of criminal politics on the federal and regional levels; 3) maintenance of regional criminological researches is still vital for getting a more detailed picture of criminality in the Russian Federation.


criminal politics, strategy, tactics, criminality counteraction, realization of politics, criminological research

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. Kristi, N. Prostye slova dlya slozhnykh voprosov / pod obshch. red.
2. Ya. Gilinskogo ; per. s norvezh. E. Rachinskoy; lit. red. L. Al'pern ;
3. pred. Ya. Gilinskogo. — SPb.: Aleteyya, 2011.