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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Fadeev V.N. On the Development of Classical, Non-Classical and Global Criminology

Abstract: based on the above on the correspondence of a classical, non-classical and global criminology, the author proposes to compile the following conceptual framework: classical criminology is a science on criminality, personality of a criminal, causes and conditions, providing criminality in its real Earth forms, studying all these in order of lessening and prevention of criminality; non-classical criminology is a new category, denoting a metaphysical area of counteraction of Dark and Light Forces, which refl ects in the way of dissident thinking of a man and society and deviant behavior in respect for life on the Planet and in Space; global criminology is a science of survival of humanity on the Planet in conditions of unfavorable social economical situation and forthcoming criminalization of all types of social; relations.


classical criminology, non-classical criminology, global criminology

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. 1. Fadeev V. N. Logicheskoe obosnovanie predmeta neklassicheskoy
2. kriminologii / V. N. Fadeev // Rossiyskiy kriminologicheskiy vzglyad.
3. № 3. 2012.