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The union of criminalists and criminologists

Ilyashenko A.N. Basic Characteristics of the Violent Crimes, Committed in the Family

Abstract: violent criminality in a family has a number of its own specifi c features, which differs it completely from a general domestic criminality and from the criminality in general, which proves the necessity to develop preventive measures to counteract this type of criminality.


violent crimes in a family, domestic criminality, preventive impact, compulsive family rapist

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. Il'yashenko A. N. Poterpevshiy v mekhanizme soversheniya nasil'stvennykh prestupleniy v sem'e // Obshchestvo i pravo / A. N. Il'yashenko. 2012. № 3.
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3. Il'yashenko A. N. Tipologiya zhertv nasil'stvennykh prestupleniy, sovershaemykh v sem'e // Obshchestvo i pravo / A. N. Il'yashenko. 2012. №