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Administrative and municipal law

Manna, A.A., Bukalerova, L.A. Sources of the Muslim criminal law.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the general characteristic features of the sources of the Muslim criminal law. It provides detailed analysis of the primary sources of criminal law of the Muslim State: the Koran and the Sunna, as well as secondary sources, such as the Ijma and the Qiyas. The authors describe the history of development and principal changes in the Muslim law, as well as the factors causing such changes. The authors also discuss the differences between legal systems of various states within the Muslim legal family, such as the: United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Sudan, Turkey, Algeria, etc. The authors use comparative legal method, historical legal method, formal legal method, as well as the methods of systemic structural and logical analysis, modern achievements of science in the spheres of philosophy and theory of law regarding the problems of Muslim law. The article concerns various approaches towards establishing the sources of criminal law of the Muslim states, and the analysis of topical issues is provided. Studies of the sources of the Muslim law are necessary in order to improve the norms of criminal law of modern states, they facilitate peace among the nations and ease religious tension, allow to avoid the existing criminal causes. The article is of theoretical and practical value and it may be used in law schools for the purposes of teaching law.


source, criminal law, the Koran, the Sunna, the Ijma, the Qiyas, the Muslim states, the Muslim criminal law, the Islam, national legal system.

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