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Administrative and municipal law
Nekrasov, D.V.
The program of an approved economic operator as an instrument for the improvement
of its administrative legal status.
// Administrative and municipal law.
2013. ¹ 12.
P. 1156-1161.
Nekrasov, D.V. The program of an approved economic operator as an instrument for the improvement of its administrative legal status.Abstract: The article concerns the program of an approved economic operator as a legal instrument for the improvement of his administrative legal status. The author also analyzes various aspects of the secure goal of sale of goods through the prism of the standards of the World Customs Organization. The study of the institution of t he a pproved e conomic o perator a nd i ts a dministrative l egal s tatus w ithin t he c ontext o f R ussian a nd foreign customs legislation and the novel legal practice allows one to draw a conclusion that the improvement of administrative legal status of the subject of administrative legal relations having a right to use special simplified customs clearance procedures should be based upon an independent concept, the fundamental directions, standards with due account taken of the national, regional and international specificities of customs regulation. In the opinion of the author the approved economic operator program, which is being currently developed by the customs administration with the assistance of the business community, may serve as such a legal instrument. Currently the experts of the World Customs Organization consider that there are no adequate approved economic operator programs in the CIS states. In their opinion the legislation in this sphere is just being developed. One may agree with such a position with some reservations. The Customs Union of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation formed the approved economic operator institution. However, there is no program on approved economic operators, which would be aimed at the development of their administrative legal status. Keywords: operator, status, regulation, economics, control, customs, Union, EurAsEC, border, Russia.
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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here . References
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