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Administrative and municipal law

Panshin, D.L., Dresvyannikova, E.A. Procedure and period of entry into force of the decisions on administrative offence cases.

Abstract: The current Russian administrative legislation provides that the decision on the administrative offence case, including those in the sphere of road traffic security, comes into force after ten day period provided for filing appeal and the period starts from the day when the copy of the decision is received by an offender. However, until an offender gets the decision the period for appeal does not start, and therefore, it is hard to establish when in particular the decision shall come into force. The analysis of current arbitration procedural, criminal procedural and civil procedural legislation and judicial practice shows that the decisions in other spheres of procedural law come into force once the period for appeal is over and it is calculated starting from the day when a decision or a judgment was made, and the period for notification and posting are included into the period.


code, offence, administrative, arbitration, criminal, civil, procedural, decision, period, service.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. Kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii ob administrativnykh pravonarusheniyakh ot 30 dekabrya 2001 g. № 195-FZ // Sobranie zakonodatel'stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii. – 2002. – № 1 (chast' I). – St. 1
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