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Financial Law and Management

Kustova, M.V. Legal problems regarding payment for the services being necessary and obligatory for the provision of service by the public government bodies

Abstract: The article concerns the problems concerning payment for public services. The author notes that currently the Government aims to organize the payments for public services, providing for cancelling such payments or their transfer into the official fees. Requiring the normative provisions for the limited lists of obligatory and necessary services, the legislator does not directly exclude payment for such service, nor is excluded free of charge provision of such services. Throughout the article the author evaluates the issues of charges for such obligatory public services, analyzing the Russian legislation. As a result of the article, the author provides various options for resolving such a problem, such as strengthening the public law element in the regulation, and providing for the fundamentals for the payment and formation of such payment for obligatory and necessary services.


public services, paid services, free-of-charge services, obligatory services, necessary service, price formation principles, state bodies, commercialization of public government, subsidiary responsibility, executive and administrative competence.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .