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Financial Law and Management

Hamenushko, I.V. On the need to take into account the relation between the currency regulation and the budget law for the correct understanding of the branch of law to which currency regulation belongs

Abstract: The article concerns the problem of interrelation between the currency regulation and budget law. The author attempts to establish the position of the currency regulation within the system of financial law. He disagrees with the opinions establishing currency law as an independent complex branch of law. The author considers it necessary to single out currency regulation as an institution of financial law. The public law goal of currency regulation is to protect currency. Its goal is totally different from private law regulation. The author discusses the value of currency relations, establishing their role within the system of financial law. He also provides a historical insight, providing important matters for understanding currency regulation. Importantly, the article contains examples of practical consequences of including currency regulation within a complex private-public branch of law.


currency regulation, financial law, system of financial law, institution of financial law, comlex branch of law, private-public branch of law, structure of financial law, currency legislation, currency deals, deals with currency.

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