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Philosophy and Culture

Paskhin, E. N., Shilovskaya, E. E. About E. V. Gryaznova’s and A. D. Ursul’s Monograph ‘Information and Virtual Reality: Conceptual Grounds of the Problem’

Abstract: The purpose of the present article is to analyze the monograph written by E. V. Gryaznova and A. D. Ursul and called ‘Information and Virtual Reality: Conceptual Grounds of the Problem’. The given monograph is devoted to the important issue of creation and development of conceptual grounds for relating such scientific categories as ‘information’ and ‘virtual reality’. There is a number of methodological approaches to understanding the nature and purpose of information in modern science. One of such approaches proves information to be universal. The authors of the monograph believe this is to be a very effective approach. Information is viewed as an objective feature of reality that is based on the principles of diversity and difference. When information is associated with difference, we can already see a close connection between information and movement as a form of existence of the matter. The term ‘information’ is also related to a universal philosophical category ‘reflection’ as an essential side (aspect) of interaction. However, information is not just a simple combination of reflection and diversity. It is their essential interconnection. Outside of interaction and reflection processes information exists virtually, i.e. in a coded and hidden form. Virtuality is the coded information and the way information can exist outside interaction and reflection. Generally speaking, virtual reality is nothing else but the interrelation between active diversity (information) and passive diversity (virtual world).


philosophy, information, diversity, movement, reflection, virtual world, importance, virtual studies, virtuation, universum.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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