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Philosophy and Culture

Gurevich, P. S. Evil Against Good

Abstract: Is it possible to imagine a civilization where Evil is not only appealing but also has proven ideological and metaphysical grounds. When discussing the question about the relation between Evil and Good, philosophers tend to think of Good as a blessing and Evil as a fatal malice. Philosophers usually try to understand where Evil came from and whether we can and should eliminate it. They tend to think that Evil has a mission but what is that mission? Theologians and philosophers have many debates about it. The idea about a close relation between Good and Evil has been the subject of fierce discussions. The problem itself has a deep metaphysical meaning. However, the previous centuries showed that Good did not always oppose to Evil. Very often Evil had such undeniable arguments that modern researchers view it as a proved ontological ground. The author of the present article tries to understand the meaning of ontological interpretation of Evil, why Evil and Good always correlate and why Evil makes us think that God is not all merciful or powerful. The author also touches upon the question which was already raised by Soren Kierkegaard: does the existence of Evil present some kind of a paradox?


philosophy, Evil, Good, God, choice, freedom, theodicy, morals, will, theology.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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