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Kostennikov, M.V., Trofimov, O.E. Legal and organizational problems regarding transportation security guarantees in the activities of the state executive bodies

Abstract: At the current stage of development of transportation and transportation infrastructure we face the new challenges for the formation of complex transportation security system. For example, in 2012 the number of car accidents grew by 10 per cent, while the number of accidents of air and water transportation vehicles grew by 3,4 per cent, and the number of railroad accidents grew by 5,6 per cent. Annually about 100 000 people die in transport-related accidents in the Russian Federation. The above-mentioned data substantiates the need to improve administrative legal regulation in the sphere of transportation and transportation infrastructure. The issues of personal, social and public security were always among the central attention focuses of state and civil society. Economic globalization, terrorist threats, and lack of stability in financial and political situations in many states make us change the perspective of global security issues, including the sphere of transportation, being vulnerable in the current conditions. Development of the national transportation system becomes a necessary prerequisite for the implementation of an innovative economic growth model of the Russian Federation and the improvement of the quality of life of the people. In spite of positive tendencies within certain types of transportation, the transportation system does not fully meet the needs and perspectives of the development of the Russian Federation. The unbalanced and unharmonious development of some types of transportation in the conditions of limited investment resources caused them to have irrational share within the national transportation balance.


security, risk, fight, organ, victim, harm, guarantees, control, implementation, perish.

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