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International Law and International Organizations

Dubinkina, S.N. Regulation of international trade in service within the framework of the World Trade Organization

Abstract: The World Trade Organization together with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fun form the modern institutional structure for international economic cooperation. All of the activities of this organization are aimed at liberalization of trade. The basis for the WTO system is mostly formed by the unified global legal platform. Legally speaking the WTO treaties serve as multilateral trade agreements, and joining these agreements considerably lowers the need to conclude bilateral treaties. At the same time, the WTO organizes both bilateral and multilateral treaties among its Member States. The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) being part of the WTO law is the first code of multilateral legally binding norms, regulating international trade in services. The article concerns forms of international trade in services, as well as the key provisions of the GATS, the principles of the international trade in services. Attention is also paid to the measures aimed to protect national interests of the Treaty members.


the World Trade Organization, liberalization of trade in services, the GATS, principles, mutual obligations, exceptions to the obligations, access to the markets, quantity limitations, the most favored nation treatment, national regime.

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