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Actual problems of Russian law

Wu Quang Huan Definition and elements of law-making

Abstract: The article concerns the mechanism of law-making. The author studies the law-making subjects and the need for law-making within the legal procedure following legislative technique with the assistance of organizational and financial means based on comparative legal analysis of the Russian and Vietnamese legislation. The author proposes to use a law-making structure and organizational and financial means for achieving the law-making result. The elements of the law-making mechanism are always interacting, they are interrelated and intertwined. The effect of legislation depends on all of the elements of law-making mechanism, and the lack of any element makes the entire mechanism inefficient, or precludes its functioning. Based upon the definion of the law-making mechanism and its elements the author draws a conclusion that the result of law-making in the form of quality and efficient laws is dependent on coherent work of all elements of the lawmaking mechanism.


law, making law, law-making, law-making activity, legislative process, law-making mechanism, subjects of law-making, law-making procedures, basis for law-making, law-making technique.

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