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Actual problems of Russian law

Komarova, V.V. Social associations within the system of direct democracy

Abstract: Analysis of current legislation on the issue allowed the author to make a conclusion on the interrelation between the legal status of social associations as subjects within the direct democracy system and various factors. In the opinion of the author there are the following dependencies: on the organizational and legal form, on presence of the legal entity status, on the presence of representation in the legislative government body from the direct democracy group, which was formed with the participation of a social association. Social associations take part in implementation of direct democracy by initiation, participation in preparation and holding, control over preparation and holding, implementation of decisions, interaction with the government bodies and other civil society institutions in the process implementation of the decisions made with the participation of the direct rule by the people. The thesis on interrelated character of social association status and the above-mentioned factors is supported by examples of federal legislation, and acts of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation. The author also points out some problems and gaps of legal regulation in this sphere, and she expresses her opinion on these issues.


social associations, direct democracy, political parties, democracy subject, rule of the people, rule of the people mechanism, direct rule by the people, initiator, legal status, legislation.

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