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Actual problems of Russian law

Chirkin, V.E. On the issue of value of the Russian Constitution of 1993

Abstract: The article contains evaluation of the fact of adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 as a basic law of the state with supreme legal force in the situation of lack of stability and contradictions in the civil society, as well as of the constitutional values in its norms (legal position of an individual, social and state orders). Among the latter he singles out the foremost important basic values, expressing the modern understanding of the general human or solidarity values, which have continued importance and shall remain in the future (possibly with some changes in wording) when a new Constitution shall be adopted if necessary.


values of the humanity, values of the Constitution, basic values, legal status of a person, adoption of the Constitution, fundamentals of the social order, fundamentals of the state order, article of the Constitution, the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

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