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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Zenin, S.S. Legal recognition of the government system in the Constitution of the Russian Federation: a theoretical aspect

Abstract: The article contains an attempt to analyze the governmental power as an object of constitutional legal regulation. Much attention is paid to the studies of the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The author consequently analyzes the power of multi-national people, state and municipal power. The article contains theoretical conclusions, which develop the current scientific understanding of power as an object of legal regulation; the author offers a number of novel definitions, as well as the bases for the amendment of existing theoretical conclusions. Based upon the systemic character of any science, the article contains a conclusion on the difference between the terms of «system of constitutional legal recognition of government», and the «system of constitutional bases of government». Evaluating the relations between different types of state power, the author notes that their mutual influence should be rest upon the basic democratic principles and it should guarantee intensive development of society and state, and to form the necessary conditions for the implementation of lawful interests of a person. Based upon the results of the study of modern situation in the constitutional legal regulation of the matter in question the author draws a conclusion on the presence of system of government. The complex of legal prescriptions, enshrining the bases of constitutional legal regulation in the sphere of social relations on attaining, use and transfer of government power is established at the constitutional level. Additionally, it is stated that the Constitution of the Russian Federation provides for a complicated legal regulation system, which has a number of individual characteristics. The author singles out organized character, integrity and adaptivity among these qualities.


jurisprudence, power, Constitution, rule of the people, state government, separation of powers, municipal self-government, forms of rule of the people, state government bodies, social government, municipal power.

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