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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Nevinskiy, V.V. Evolution and the new horizons for the human rights, or the complicated path of humankind development

Abstract: It is an important goal of legal science to establish legal status of a human being. The nature of legal status of an individual is rooted in the due and allowable behavior of a person, his rights and obligations, and in late decades they were integrated into the doctrine of human rights. This doctrine is recognized by the international community and national legislation in most of the states in the world. Defining nature of human rights as natural and social value and the studies of their evolution from the times of antiquity to these days is of special importance for their studies. The article includes a relative periodization of philosophical and legal thought, allowing to single out the most significant features of attitudes to human rights. The author recognizes the value of singling out the general tendencies and specific vectors in the development of human rights of different peoples in different epochs and different specific historical situations. Special attention is given to the process of transfer from the «class» nature of human rights (including the USSR and the Soviet Russia) to the rights of an individual as a bio-social person. The attention is drawn to the difficulties of advancement of human rights theory on civilizational an d territorial scales (the European and Christian culture, Islamic culture, culture of the peoples of the South-Eastern Asia, etc.), attention is paid to the paradoxes and faults of the doctrine of human rights itself and the principles of its implementation. It concerns the popular opinion on the outdated character of human rights, correlation of an attitude to a human being as a «goal» and «means» in the hands of the state, technological interference in the natural (biological) nature of a human being, problems of disarmament in the human environment, etc. At the same time, it is obvious that currently the human rights doctrine is an important landmark for the activities of people on our planet, while it should be further improved in order to rationalize their being on our planet and to guarantee readiness to face new challenges.


jurisprudence, human rights, nature, evolution, paradoxes, new challenges, ideology of human rights, international acts on human rights, rights and obligations, natural law.

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