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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Mikhaleva, N.A. The Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 as a legal mode of past and future of Russia

Abstract: The article concerns the issues of contents and nature of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, its value for the development of the Russian statehood and society. The author perceives the Constitution as a micro-model of the society, its legal framework, within and on the basis of which the mechanism of state and municipal government is functioning and the basic rights and freedoms are guaranteed. The perspective character of the Constitution is a specific form of social and scientific forecasting, creative influence of law upon the formation of new social relations. The author draws a conclusion that the supreme value of the new Constitution is due to the fact that it legally provided for the sovereign status of Russia as a united multi-national state, civilization — state, state of a united civilian nation, brought together by the Russian people, Russian language and Russian culture, which has a worthy place in the global community. It provided for the modern model of the Russian federalism. The novel constitutional and legal system was formed on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 according to the federalism principles as basic foundations for the development and strengthening of the sovereign Russian statehood and statehood of the peoples who self-determined themselves as national and territorial state-formations within the Russian Federation. The problems of implementation of the Constitution attract attention of the constitutional scholars to the issues of the system-forming role of the Constitution, constitutional values, legitimacy of the Constitution, constitutional responsibility, constitutional justice, modernization of the judicial system, boundaries to the limitations to the rights and freedoms of the people, means of interaction between the public government and the civil society institutions, constitutional status of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, mutual responsibility of the Federation and its subjects, theoretical and legal bases for the regional constitutional legislation, search for the position of Russia in the situation of globalization and terrorist threats.


jurisprudence, Constitution, rule of law state, the principle of separation of powers, federalism, sovereignty, human rights, the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly, the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the state power.

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