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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Chuchaev, A.I. Winner and laureates of the best scientific book competition

Abstract: The competition for the best scientific book has been held by the Fund for National Education Development eleven times by now. There are no similar competitions in Russia, and in fact it is an international competition. In 2012 scientists from Russia, the Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Korea, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine took part in the competition. The competition received applications from 4983 scientists from 1267 higher education institutions and scientific research institutions. The Commission chose winners and laureates in four nominations, including leading scholars in the spheres of fundamental and applied sciences. The results of the competition clearly show scientific developments in the higher education institutions. The presentation of the best scientific works within the framework of an international scientific forum «The Week of Higher Education Institution Science 2013» shall allow people to find out about the new achievements of the scientists from many regions of Russia and of foreign scientists. Addressing the winners and laureates of the competition, the President of the Fund for the National Education Development, Vice-Chairman of the Education Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Laureate of the State Award of the Government of the Russian Federation in the sphere of education and science, Academician of the State Academy of Sciences «Russian Education Academy», Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor M.N. Berulava pointed out that «by your interested participation in this competition, you have proven that you are ready to use your knowledge and talent for the implementation in the most important spheres of scientific progress…. Your interest to science, your wish to move it forwards have common respect and recognition. Your active position, initiative, aim for positive result facilitate the improvement of the general level of higher education and growth of the scientific potential of Russia, as well as support of the authority of the Russian education and improvement of its competitive ability». The review provides brief descriptions of the works of the lecturers of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University, recognized as winners and laureates of the competition.


jurisprudence, the Fund for National Education Development, competition for the best book 2012, winner, laureates in the «jurisprudence» nomination

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