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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Gavrilova, Y.A. Methodological problems of the semantic field of law

Abstract: The studies of the meaning of law within the integrative theoretical cognition model with the nuclear — peripheral structural organization, which is recognized as the semantic field of law, include authentic convergence of a number of methods, such as dialectics, synergy, hermeneutic and conceptologic methods for the purpose of achieving cognition of the meaning of law. The problem of meaning of law and the model for its resolution via the semantic field require mitigation of the possible contradictions between the competing legal research methods, as well as including them into the common methodological field of legal science as relevant and historically adequate instruments. The above-mentioned methods in their correlation within the model of semantic field of law are not the only suitable methods for such a study. They have their specific and typical positions within each specific zone of the semantic field of law, which is based upon recognition of the general thesis under which subjective and objective legal realities do not contradict each other, rather the meaning of law may be found in their unity. All of the above methodologies in their totality appear and function within the framework of general problem of meaning and they are related to the semantic field of law. Solution of methodological problems in the sphere of meaning of law within the model of its semantic field shall facilitate intensive adaptation of the objectively existing various types of legal understanding in the Russian legal studies.


methodology, dialectics, hermeneutics, synergy, conceptology, meaning of law, concept, legal understanding, semantic field of law, value.

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