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Actual problems of Russian law

Novikova, Y.V. Methodological bases for forensic characteristics of crime (crimes)

Abstract: This article includes analysis of nature and value of methodology in forensic studies, its fundamental and directing role in the sphere scientific cognition. Based on the analysis of scientific publications on these issues, the author singles out the main goal of methodology, which is to point out the efficient methods for cognition and their potential capabilities. The author studied the current condition of methodology of science and its main concepts. She uncovered the problems in the sphere of methodological guarantees of research process, regarding over- or underestimation of the methodological recommendations. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the key approaches towards interpretation of the terms, such as «methodology», «methodic», «method», their basic definitions are provided. The author provides the basis for a directing role of the theory of forensic characteristics of crime (crimes) for the purpose of choosing a specific forensic study. Attention is paid to a considerable influence of general philosophical approaches upon the formation of forensic characteristics of crime (crimes), which may be regarded on one hand as a specific forensic theory, and on the other hand as a result of scientific cognition activity.


jurisprudence, methodology, method, methodic, science, cognition, forensic characteristics, forensic studies, crime, crimes.

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