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Actual problems of Russian law

Yakovleva, I.A. Limited access to information: definition, elements and tendencies in legal regulation and practical use in business environment

Abstract: The article includes analysis of characteristic features of information, being important for the legal practice, such as variety, fixation, and connection to customer (user). Connection to customer (user) has a character of value to an owner due to the lack of knowledge by third parties is understood as confidentiality, and it is a system-forming element for any limited access information, including state secret. The procedure and limitations of access to information in business environment are defined by confidentiality characteristic, as well as to the final goal requiring the need to collect information. The current topical definition of limited access information requires broad interpretation in order to meet the requirements of modern situations, in which entrepreneurial activities take place. It correlates with the philosophical understanding of information as knowledge, contents (data) notwithstanding the form of its representation, for which the current legislation provides certain confidentiality regime, providing for a certain access procedure and liability for the violations in the process of rating, keeping, provision and distribution of such information.


limited access information, confidentiality, system-forming element, presence of connection, procedure for access provision, secret, fixation, variety, characteristic features of information, state secret, access regime.

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