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Philosophy and Culture

Selivanov, O. I. Esthetics of Martial Arts

Abstract: The article presents philosophical and cultural analysis of esthetical content of such a topical phenomenon in modern culture as martial arts. Great interest towards traditions of marital arts cannot be explained only because they teach self-defense and health improvement or because Eastern martial arts are quite an exotic phenomenon in new European culture. According to the author, esthetics of martial arts plays an important role, too, and it is an essential element of both martial arts and psychophysical practices based on the former. The fight himself is the esthetical demonstration of ontological, theoretical and philosophical grounds of martial arts. The key to understanding esthetical symbolism of martial arts is the game or agon. Features of the agon and competition are preserved and codified in martial arts and their rules. From the point of view of phenomenology of culture, esthetical symbols of martial arts are expressed in different ways. It is not only the beauty of human bodies or music but the esthetics of the fight itself including the greeting rituals and special martial art costumes. Moreover, esthetical aspects are closely interweaved with ethical moments. Esthetical content of martial arts and fight in different nations and cultures allowed to martial arts to go beyond the limits of a particular cultural tradition and be spread all over the world because the need in esthetics and esthetical experience is universal. Esthetical elements of martial arts define polarization of plots devoted to martial arts in literature, cinematograph, other branches of art and modern culture in general.


philosophy, culture, martial arts, ritual, agon, esthetics, kata, traditions, art, game.

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