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Administrative and municipal law

Strigunova, N.Y. Proof on administrative offences cases in the sphere of customs in the Customs Union EurASEC Member States (comparative legal analysis)

Abstract: The article contains comparative legal analysis of proof on administrative offence cases in the sphere of customs in the Customs Union EurAsEC Member States: the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan. The author evaluates the specific features of legal regulation regarding proof in administrative cases in the sphere of customs in the national legislation of the Customs Union Member States, uncovering similarities and differences in them. As a result of the analysis the author casts light upon the shortcomings and problems in the Russian legislation on administrative offences. The object of study is topical within the framework of formation and functioning of the Customs Union of the EurAsEC.


customs union, comparative law, evidence, proof in proceedings in administrative cases, the customs authorities, the offense punishment, control, regulation, border, customs.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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