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International relations

Manoylo, A.V. On fighting the spread of “color revolution” ideology in the environment of university students

Abstract: This article is devoted to the study of possible means for organized fighting against the spread of the “color revolution” ideology among the university students. Generally the student environment is not politicized, but it is rather easily moved, it follows any slogans, which allow the students to stand out among their peers. The goal of the student activities is to gain self-esteem, and partly, to bring variety into life, to fight boredom and to feel thrilled. This pursuit of self-esteem among the youth is often manifested through denying the existing norms and living standards, including the fundamentals of the state structure. That is why, the students are eager to join any protest movements, which allow them to do so, treat each new member of the movement as an individual and let them have active roles in the common work. All of the above is much different from the pro-government youth organizations, which are organized like military units or neo-sects, and look like “gray substance” which are sent wherever they are told to. Becoming a member of such an organization a student loses freedom, and he gets a personal commander, whom he has to follow without any reservations.


politics, color revolutions, Russia, soft power, University, diplomacy, state, interests, values, security.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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