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Financial Law and Management

Sokolova, E.D. Legal regulation of budget activities of state and municipal units (theory and law-making)

Abstract: This article concerns budget activities of state and municipal units. Budget activities are established within the framework of financial policy of a state. The Addresses of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation are of special value to this type of financial activity. Budget activities of state and municipal units are usually implemented in legal forms. In addition to budget activities, the article concerns with the sub-discipline “budget law”. The author establishes the main categories of budget law, the definition of budget for legal and economic categories. In this article the author analyzes budget structure and system of the Russian Federation. She discusses the problems regarding legal regulation of budget activities, such as formation of state budget revenues and expenditures, guarantees of factual independence of budgets, and equality of budget rights. Thanks to budget activities the financial resources of the state are formed.


financial activity, budget activity, budget law, the Addresses of the President, budget, budgetary structure, budget system, non-budget funds, budget federalism, budget revenue.

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