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Financial Law and Management

Denga, S.N. Improvement of assets side of the balance sheets of the Ukrainian enterprise.

Abstract: Accounting generally does not view an enterprise as a capital investment object. This position is at the crossing point of several economic disciplines (investment and corporate management, accounting), and it also allows for application of legal concept creating misunderstandings among accountants, lawyers and investors, since they are “speaking different languages”. This study allows to bring into accord legislative, accounting and financial terms, to improve the balance structure using alternative accounting approaches and allowing to bring accounting reporting closer to the information guarantees of enterprise investors interests and to make their legal protection easier. The article includes proposals for the improvement of the assets side of the balance sheets of the Ukrainian enterprises. The author provides proof that the assets side of balance sheets of the enterprises is not systemic, and various classification criteria are being mixed together. In order to bring legal and accounting approaches into accord, it is necessary to exclude ‘gaining corporate rights” from the definition of financial investment (on P(S)BU 12, and regard investments into corporate rights as capital contributions in different data storage systems. It is necessary to single out self-investments into other data storage systems in accounting and calculating assets. It is also reasonable to single out non-material resources. The titles of the divisions of the assets side should be renamed in accordance with the applicable classification criteria for the elements of assets.


property, assets, resources, means, savings, corporate rights, financial instruments, capital investments, material objects.

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