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Financial Law and Management

Panenkov, A.A. Development directions for fighting terrorism and its financing (results of the studies).

Abstract: When fighting organized crime, including terrorism, the main goal is to fight its internal and external financing. In this article the author points out the weakest links in the sphere of fighting terrorism financing, and he offers the possible solutions for the problem.


jurisprudence, fighting terrorism financing, changes in legislation needed, defects of the Federal Service for Financial Monitoring, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, high level of latency of terrorism financing, lack of judicial and investigative practice, investigator polling, coordination defects, interaction defects, subjects of the operative investigation activities.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. Dolgova A.I. Kriminologiya. M. 2009. S. 266.
2. Mezhdunarodnaya konventsiya o bor'be s finansirovaniem terrorizma.(N'yu-York, 9 dekabrya 1999 goda