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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Suleymanova, S.T. Imposition of punishment in the criminal law of Canada

Abstract: The article includes analysis of the modern situation in the criminal legislation of Canada regulating imposition of punishment. The analysis of the norms of the Criminal Code of Canada allows to divide the principles for the imposition of punishment into two groups: 1) basic (fundamental) principle, which is the principle of proportionality of punishment and 2) additional principles. As a results of analysis, the author finds similarities in the sphere of imposition of punishment in Russia and in Canada, as well as some differences. It is established that unlike in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the Criminal Code of Canada does not provide for a limited list of aggravating circumstances. The article includes analysis of imposition of punishment to legal entities and specific features of criminal record in the Canadian criminal law. The author offers to use this experience in order to achieve fairness in imposition of punishments.


jurisprudence, crime, punishment, assigning punishment, Canada, criminal code, sentence, principles, proportionality principle, alleviating circumstances, aggravating circumstances.

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