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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Pang Dongmei Composition of crimes committed by foreign citizens in the Far Eastern Region of Russia

Abstract: The problem of crimes committed by the foreign citizens during their stay abroad is topical for most states in the world, Russia included. Fighting crime by foreign citizens and apatrides became an important vector in a criminal law policy of many states. In early XXI century in Russia over 90 per cent of crimes committed by foreign citizens and apatrides are referring to the citizens of the CIS Member States. A number of crimes by Chinese persons is no more than 1 per cent of the total amount of crimes committed by foreign citizens. Criminal situation, its dynamics and structure in the Far Eastern region of Russia are somewhat different in comparison with the statistics for the state in general.


jurisprudence, migration, illegal migration, the Far Eastern region of Russia, crime by foreign citizens, condition, structure, dynamics.

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