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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Kashkin, S.Y. The concept for the examination on the legislation of the Russian Federation for the migrant workers

Abstract: The article is devoted to the concept discussion for the organization, holding and legal regulation of the exam on the fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation for migrant workers. It formulates goals and principles, as well as significant elements of the said exam, showing its relation to the exams on Russian language and Russian history. The author offers the options for interaction of the relevant ministries and institutions, as well as optimum forms and methods for holding such exams. The author analyzes the measures for the efficient implementation of the relevant components of the Strategy for the State National Policy of the Russian Federation till 2025.


jurisprudence, migrant workers, fundamental of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adaptation, integration, guarantees of rights, national security, strategy, exam.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. 1. Strategii gosudarstvennoy natsional'noy politiki RF na period do 2025 g. // SZ RF. —
2. 2012. — ¹ 52. — St. 7477.