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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Lipen, S.V. Problems of structuring and development of scientific knowledge

Abstract: Studies of the issues regarding structure and development of theory of state and law are quite topical within framework of a number of methodological problems in the modern legal science, allowing to study the evolution patterns of legal scientific knowledge. From the standpoint of level-related approach to the scientific structure the general theory of state and law include the medium-level theory and private law theories. The inner structure of general and private law theories is formed by legal categories and scientific ideas, which discuss the patterns of functioning of the legal system in a society. Development of theory of law and state may be presented as a process of ever greater specification of scientific knowledge, presupposing the complex multi-level studies of more and more specific legal issues, as well as consecutive development of legal categories and scientific ideas. In order to study methodological problems of formation and development of the theory of state and law, one should take into account both the general scientific approaches (issues of formation and structure of scientific knowledge, directions of scientific development, patterns and stages of this process), as well as scientifically uncovered patterns within specific legal theories, characterizing the process of their formation and development (objective criteria for the formation of private scientific theories, correlation of its object with the object of general theory, specific features of its methodology, structure, functions, etc.


jurisprudence, theory of law and state, structure of theory of law and state, private scientific legal theory, medium-level theory, legal category, development of theory of law and state, specification of scientific knowledge, scientific studies, philosophy of science.

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