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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Vafin, A.M. Political Marginality: Concerning the Problem of Types of Political Leadership

Abstract: In modern political theory it has already become customary to focus on such topics as political systems, ideologies and political leadership. However, a whole range of issues within these topics are not analyzed. The phenomenon of political marginality is one o such issues. The author of the article analyzes the phenomenon of political marginality and leadership of political marginals. This phenomenon usually describes oppositional leaders who either try to limit their opposition or, on the contrary, start confrontation with the political system. Political psychology usually views political leaders as already established political agents even when they do not have any leadership skills. The author of the article offers a description of different types of political marginals. The author achieves it by expanding the borders of political studies and addressing to modern researches of organizational psychology in transformational, i.e. constantly changing leadership. Transformational leadership symbolizes a certain behavior of leaders that motives workers to follow corporate targets and interests. As a result of his analysis, the author describes the two types of leaders: populist leader and ideologically-driven leader.


manipulative ideologies, political psychology, organizational psychology, populism, transformational leadership, political leadership, political marginality, charisma, populist leader, ideologically-driven leader.

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