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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Gurevich, P. S. Faces of Image

Abstract: Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza believed that all born creatures both intelligent and non-intelligent ones follow the laws of their nature. The higher law of nature says that every item tries to preserve its state. Of course, a stone does not strive to become a cloud or a deep river. A tiger does not dream of becoming a lion and a whale does not want to become an iceberg. Moreover, they try to preserve their form of existence. It is true for humans, too. It is only in fairy-tales a beauty turns into a frog (against her own free will). However, philosophers believe that human has some freedom when it comes to this law of nature. Human tries to preserve his being that defines his existence and activities. People may be different though and this is because all people have a free will. Consequently, humans can change their image. Just like women, men can reject their sex and self-identity. They challenge nature and change their body which leads to transformations in their social roles, too. There was a newspaper article about one man changed his gender and became a woman because he did not want to pay alimonies. The author of the article tries to throw light on this issue and relates it to the diversity of faces of human image.


psychology, image, face, identity, being, existence, freedom, personification, screen, sample.

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