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Actual problems of Russian law

Yakovleva, I.A. Some problems of defining a banking secrecy object for entrepreneurial activities

Abstract: The article contains analysis of key theoretical and practical problems regarding recognition of banking secrecyñó as a specific type of secrecy, lawfulness of its application towards information on clients and their dealings, as well as to the temporal period for keeping secrecy. The author offers a definition of banking secrecy, which corresponds to the modern legislative tendencies and judicial practice, providing for wider scope of access to confidential information, at the same time applying the secrecy regime to all of the information of the client of a credit organization. The broader approach to banking secrecy, which does not provide limitations as to the types of information on a client, therefore allowing for various client-related information, better correspond to the current reality. The banking secrecy is understood as a specific legal regime for a limited access to information, introduced towards any information directly regarding a client, including information of the main activities for which the accounts are being used, as well as banking operations and deals, which is obtained during the core activities of a credit organization, a Bank of Russia, organization ensuring bank accounts.


constitutional access guarantees, lawfulness, evaluation, regime of access, client information, confidential information, banking secrecy, term, list of data, format of request, character of the information.

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