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Actual problems of Russian law

Morgun, O.V. Schedrin, N.V. Bases and limitations to the financial security measures

Abstract: The article is devoted to some issues regarding application of special measures for limitation of rights aimed to guarantee the financial security in the modern Russia. The authors discuss various bases for establishing financial security measures, as well as limitations to their application in order to efficiently protect the financial system of the state from criminal and other encroachments, while adhering to the balance of public and private interests. The bases for the financial security measures are included into the hierarchy taking into account their involvement in the process of regulation of social relations on the scale from the law-making to the application of law. The limitations are classified depending on the application of financial security measures on territorial and temporal bases, as well as based upon subjects of application. The authors illustrate the offered measures and limitations to the application of financial security measures with a number of examples of Russian legislation regulating the turnover of financial resources. The authors analyze modern problems regarding application of such measures to various subjects of financial relations.


financial security, security measures, financial security measures, financial offence, financial crime, bases for legal limitations, extent of legal limitations, bases for security measures, grounds for security measures, limitations to economic rights.

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