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Actual problems of Russian law

Osmakova, O.N. Specific features of normative legal regulation of missionary work in the Russian Orthodox Church in early XIX century

Abstract: The object of study is legal regulation of missionary work of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) in early XIX century. The goal was to uncover the specific features of regulation of missionary work of the Russian Orthodox Church in early XIX century based upon the analysis of normative legal documents, archive and documentary materials. The methodological basis for the study was formed by the principles of objectivity, systemic scientific analysis and complex use of sources. The principle of historicism presupposes evaluation of all of the factors and processes within the framework of historic development and their dynamics, allowing for clarity of facts and their mutual and temporal relations. According to this principle the author used systemic approach in study of normative legal sources and archives. The use of systemic principle in the studies of the legal regulation of missionary work of the Russian Orthodox Church facilitated structuring of the existing sources in various historic periods and allowed to recreate the generalized situation of the time. The results of the study allow for the use of new normative legal sources regarding history of missionary work of the Russian Orthodox Church in the further studies. It is for the first time, that the goal of the study in this field is based upon the representative documentary basis, and it is to provide a complex vision of legal regulation of missionary work of the Russian Orthodox Church in early XIX century. The author proves that from 1801 to 1825 the state attempted to codify legal norms directly or indirectly regarding missionary work of the Russian Orthodox Church in order to comply with the interests of the state and to avoid abuse and violations on the part of missionaries.


jurisprudence, mission, Synod, codification, instruction, Charter, property, decree, court, order.

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