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Administrative and municipal law

Trunov, I.L. Problems of road traffic rules

Abstract: The article concerns the road traffic security issues. The author analyzes current legislation and legal practice, then he offers a number of amendments and changes into the current legislation. It is noted in the article that road traffic security issues are high-priority within the criminal policy of Russia. Statistical analysis of car accidents shows that the number of car accident victims in Russia is among the highest rates in the world, and the offences against the road traffic security causing grave bodily harm and death of people are especially dangerous. Annually 30 to 40 thousand people die in road accidents in Russia, and many of them are children. In the first six months of 2013 according to the State Road Traffic Safety Inspection statistics more than 10 000 people died in road accidents in Russia.


road traffic offences, presumption of guilt of a driver; gap impunity, equality under the law, experience of the foreign states, law, transportation, victim, offence, police, harm, rules, security, passenger, pedestrian.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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