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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

O.M. Gyurdzhan Modernization of criminal legislation in Kazakhstan (International Roundtable in Astana and international conference in Almaty

Abstract: On May 2 and 4, 2013 in Kazakhstan the International Roundtable «Problems of fighting crime in the CIS states» (Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilev (Astana) and the International Scientific and Practical Conference «Modern criminal legislation: problems, tendencies and ways for modernization» (Humanitarian University of Transportation and Law named after D.A. Kynaev; Kazakhstan Criminological Association; the Scientific Center for the Crime Fighting Problems of the Department of Criminal Law, Process and Forensic Studies of the Kazakhstan National University named after Al-Farabi, Almaty) were held. They were devoted to the topical problems of drafting a new Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which would correspond to the newest achievements of the criminal law science, international standards and requirements on fighting crime in the state. The scientists from Russia and Germany took part in the roundtable and the conference together with their colleagues from Kazakhstan.


jurisprudence, Kazakhstan, international roundtable, international conference, drafting the Criminal Code, new concept of criminal law, crime, criminal offence.

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