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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Zinchenko, N.N. Regional specific features of legal regulation of the processes of external labor migration (on an example of the CIS Member States)

Abstract: At the current stage of development external labor migration is one of the key migration movements in various regions in the world. The specific features of migration processes in the post-Soviet territory is due first of all to the fact that at the time of earlier existence of a unified state, this migration was regarded as internal migration. Currently these are external migration processes among the CIS Member States within the framework of rather active migration exchange of people, including labor migrants, among the CIS Member States and other states. The analysis of specific features of economic, geopolitical and demographic conjuncture within this region allows the author to establish specific features of international legal regulation of the labor migration processes among the CIS Member States and to provide some recommendations on its improvement.


jurisprudence, external labor migration, international legal regulation, the CIS, the illegal labor migration, legalization, protection of rights and freedoms of the migrant workers, the ILO Conventions, the Eurasian Economic Community, legal status of migrant workers, regional cooperation.

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