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LEX RUSSICA (Russian Law)

Prudnikova, T.A. History of formation and practice of legal regulation of migration processes in Russia

Abstract: As a practical study shows, the modern society is currently facing a number of global problems, reflecting on vital interests of all the people. One of such problems is migration crisis, which has a considerable influence on all of the vital spheres and political, legal and economic processes in them. Migration of people is a natural pattern, so all of the migration processes follow some universal laws of social development, at the same time having some specific features depending on historical time and place. Today all of the states pay much attention to the improvement of migration policy, however, the objective reality requires the administrative efforts to be united in order to manage migration processes more efficiently, to more actively fight negative effects and consequences of unlawful and spontaneous migrations, etc. In order to find new efficient instruments and mechanisms for bringing the migration processes In Russia into certain order and to bring them within the vector of social and economic development, it is necessary to study specific features of formation and development of the Russian institution of limitations to the freedom of movement, choice of place of permanent and temporary residence. The article includes a retrospective analysis of formation of migration processes In Russia and the practice of legal regulation in this sphere.


jurisprudence, legal regulation, migration processes, migration of people, migration legal order, Russia, migration policy, migration relations, freedom of movement, choice of place of permanent or temporary residence.

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